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What is Team Awesomism Virtual Academy?

Team Awesomism Virtual Academy is an online experience and community in which our primary goal is to help turn autism into awesomism We do this by helping autistic adults learn/refresh life skills, social skills, soft skills, hard skills, fun skills and job skills. We use videos, but are not limited to using only videos. The videos include cooking, music, automobiles, crafts, self care, nature, healthy living and so much more! We hope that we successfully fulfill their visions and become what they always wanted to be!

Please check out this video below!

Here are some life skills, social skills, soft skills, hard skills, fun skills and job skills we're covering! More will be added soon!


Crafts & Arts

Household Chores/Life Skills
Cowboy Jack
Self Care/Stress Relief
Pets & Animals

Cool Day Trips

The Adventures of Zeus and His Friends
Outdoor and Sport Activities


Holidays/Season and Decorations



Stop Motion Videos

Job Skills


Relaxing Sounds

Church Bells, Bells, Chimes and Wind Chimes

America the Beautiful

Smiles and Cool Stuff


Construction Jobs

Home and Decorations

Hi, I’m Peyton!

I'm autistic, I am an owner of Team Awesomism Virtual Academy, alongside my mom. I started Team Awesomism back in mid 2018 and became a business owner. This proves autistic adults can become business owners and anything else they dream to be!

Inspiring Others

We're hoping to inspire other autistic teens and adults to become what they are dreaming of and fulfill for their future. Feel free to reach out to us on the email if you have any questions or suggestions for us!