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Smiles and Cool Stuff
Things That Will Make You Smile
House "Phone" (0:24)
Blue Angels Jets in Conroe Texas (0:06)
New Lecture (0:05)
Flipping a Coin in the Fountain (0:05)
Wind Turbines in Oklahoma (0:16)
VR Motorcycle (0:16)
What are you doing, Sugar? (0:22)
Mountains in Arizona (0:17)
Riding on a Boat (0:19)
Hot Air Balloons in Rio Rancho New Mexico (0:04)
Tex Rolling Around on the Floor (0:10)
Smiles and Fun Stuff (1:55)
Aqua Super Express Car Wash (3:43)
What's in the Sky? (0:10)
Air Conditioners Lurking Behind the Palm Bushes (0:37)
Fly Wire Stunt Performance (0:07)
What it's Like to be on Top of the Tree (0:13)
Movie Theater at Alders Magnolia (0:30)
Dino Wearing His Cowboy Hat (0:39)
Logan Loves FSU Football (0:59)
Musical in Dresden Germany (0:18)
Japan Restaurant Robot Waiter (0:14)
Musical in Winchester, Kentucky (2:08)
Helicopter Circling in Lexington, Kentucky (0:31)
Fountain Drink Color Change at Chevron Gas Station (0:08)
Tractor Riding at North Dakota State Museum (0:31)
Sailing Angels in Seabrook, Texas (1:15)
Plane Flying During the Night (0:30)
Seal Ice Spinning Item (0:18)
Quizzie The Quiz Master Vol. 1
A Space Adventure (27:41)
Quizzie Soundtrack (19:41)
Healthy Eating Compilation (5:02)
House & Garden Tour (7:59)
Children's TV Shows (22:34)
Dinosaurs, Ocean Giants & Arctic Beasts (22:01)
Farm Zoo Aquarium (19:58)
Quizzie the Quiz Master Vol. 2
Tashi Non-Stop (23:18)
Quizzie Goes to the Zoo (4:54)
Quizzie Goes Camping (5:07)
Quizzie Goes for a Hike (5:35)
Rubix Cubes (9:26)
Where's Quizzie - America (27:16)
Halloween (20:12)
Cooking with Quizzie (Vol. 3)
Bruschetta Sandwich - Ouickview (0:59)
Bruschetta Sandwich (26:48)
Salmon Fish Cakes (18:36)
Garlic & Herb Stuffed Chicken with Rice (21:37)
Non-baked Cheesecake (22:29)
Quizzie Goes to the Zoo
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